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We’ve pulled together some basics to help you get started.

What is the CODE?
Who is CCODR?
What is the CCODR?
What is unique about the CCODR?
What does the CCODR cover?
Purpose of the CODE

Feedback & Complaints

A CODE member must have a procedure in place for receiving handling and resolving complaints. The complaints procedure should clarify that A CODE member will acknowledge the complainant’s complaint within 14 days and respond to the complaint with a substantive response within 30 days of the complaint being made. A CODE member should provide the complainant with a copy of the CCODR dispute resolution scheme as operated by this CODE.

A complainant must first have complained in writing to A CODE member and given A CODE member an opportunity to remedy the complaint. If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the members response or does not receive a response within 56 days the complainant may then refer the complaint to the CCODR dispute resolution scheme.

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